Story of Jonah
God calls Jonah to go to Nineveh to preach, but Jonah is in Joppa the capitol of Israel. Jonah then takes a ship over the Mediterranean Sea to Tarshish (modern day Spain). Then God sends a big storm which Jonah and everyone on the boat is on and Jonah is asleep. All the crew prays to there gods (little "g"). The waves got higher and the sea was getting rougher. The crew asked "What should we do to calm the sea" Jonah replies "Pick me up and through me in the Sea". He also said the storm was his fault, instead the crew tried rowed back to land. Then they threw Jonah over bored and they offered the LORD a sacrifice. Then God send a big whale and swallowed Jonah and was there 3 days and 3 nights. Then Jonah cried out praying to God in the belly of the whale. (In a belly of a great fish the temperature is alittle over 100 degrees (F). Then after Jonah prayed the big fish threw Jonah up onto land. Then God came back again and told Jonah to go to Nineveh and give them the message God gave him. Jonahs message was 40 more more days and Nineveh will be overthrown. The Ninevites believed God and a Fast was proclaimed. Even the King and animals didn't eat anything after hearing the message, after God saw what they did he didnt bring them the destruction he had threatened. Jonah then got angry and wanted to die but the LORD said it was ok to be angry. Then God made a plant grow to make Jonah shelter and shade and made Jonah happy, God then provided a worm and ate the plant and it withered. The sun rose and brought an easy wind, and the sun made Jonah grow faint. In the Great city of Nineveh in which there are more than 120,000 people who cant tell their right hand from the left and many animals?
Also this year inspired Logan for a new painting
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